What's with me and Tax issues of recent? In the space of five days, I've read, discussed and researched about taxation more than I have done my entire life. Over the weekend I participated in an Ideation Meetup hosted by Focushub and the issue of Multiple Taxation, how it affects Startups and the role of technology was addressed. It was an interesting session, learnt whole lot.

Fast forward to Monday, I'm playing a major role in planning a Tax awareness campaign by my organization as part of an ongoing development project. In this part of the world people are reluctant to pay taxes and rightly so. They don't see the result of taxes, they generate their own power, provide their own water and even protect themselves... Why should they pay Tax some would rightly ask. We hope to change their mindset and let them the need for taxes and also in turn put pressure on the government to use public finances judiciously.

And then before the close of work on Monday, was the big one... The big reveal taking the world by storm... #PanamaPapers. Unfortunately my favorite soccer star was named along side power people in the world who have offshore investments so as to hide part of their wealth.

But who says we can't have fun with it?

Play the #PanamaPapers game to see what it's like to be rich enough to avoid tax.
The international consortium of investigative journalism (ICJ) has created a choose your own adventure game.

As revealed in the leaked files from Panama City law firm Mossack Fonseca, they’ve all been at it, so playing Stairway to Tax Heaven, you can either pick to be a sports star, politician or business exec as they try to avoid paying their share.

Play here

Not as easy as I thought.

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