A 12-year-old girl from Fairfax, Virginia, USA has been charged with threatening her school with emoji. The police said she posted a message on Instagram in December, which had a gun, bomb & knife emojis. It read: “Killing 🔫 "meet me in the library Tuesday" 🔫🔪💣” A police officer was informed of the threatening emoji and immediately sent an emergency request for the IP address. He also began questioning students. The girl admitted to the act and was charged with threatening the school and computer harassment. She’s even going to appear in juvenile court. These are some of several emoji which have become a new form of web slang. They’re being used to stalk, harass, threaten, or even defame people. Courts are not sure how to deal the newly popular medium of communication. Cases with questionable emoji have even reached the US Supreme Court.

I've lost count of the number of times I used such emojis (Runs for cover). On a more serious note, we should be very careful of what we post online. You may answer for it anytime.

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